Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Bali Eats: Duck Fest at Bebek Tepi Sawah, Ubud

Some people come for the rice field view. Others come for the Balinese arts. While others come to seek tranquility and peace for their honeymoon or meditation trip. But my family and I, we come to Ubud to....eat ducks. And Bebek Tepi Sawah is one of the restaurants where you can eat yummy duck dish.

Bebek Tepi Sawah Restaurant Ubud Bali

Gyahh! What is that thing? Are we not welcomed here? Hehe no worry, it's the Balinese version of scarecrow. After all, rice field is the trademark thing in Ubud. 

Bebek Tepi Sawah Rice Field Ubud Bali Scarecrow

By dining at Bebek Tepi Sawah, you can experience eating surrounded by rice field. Too bad our timing was not very great, the rice field was just harvested the day before. And hence, the not-so-pretty view. U_U.

Bebek Tepi Sawah Rice Field Ubud Bal

Okay, enough about the rice field, we wanted to eat the real food now. But, the chili must come first. Not one, not two, but three type of chili. All can make you turn into Drogon and breath fire. #watchtoomanyGoTagain

And here comes the main star of the restaurant, the duck! The duck is burned to crispy texture and it's just so yummy to eat the duck together with the rice, the veggies and the chili. You are warned about the chili. 

Bebek Dish at Bebek Tepi Sawah Ubud Bali Indonesia

Bebek Tepi Sawah is highly recommended if you decide to visit Ubud in Bali. Yum! If you want to compare with the other famous duck restaurant, do check Bebek Bengil, Ubud.

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