Thursday, May 14, 2015

Seoul Eats: Fusion Restaurant, Insadong

Seoul is full of yummy food. I am not kidding, I gained weight over my 9 days trip in Seoul. The funny thing is, I did not do any research on what food to try. Simply follow my tummy's intuition and see the sign. Literally.

Restaurant and tea house signs at Insadong Seoul
My tummy led me to Fusion Restaurant, which is located at a small alley in Insadong. 

Fusion Restaurant at Insadong South Korea
We arrived slightly before noon on a Saturday and the restaurant was not full at all. Do the Seoulites eat late lunch on Saturday?

Inside Fusion Restaurant at Insadong South Korea
The complimentary side dishes always make me happy. 

Side dishes served at Fusion Restaurant Insadong Seoul
The rice has gingko seeds. Taste-wise? Very yummy. I don't even remember that rice make people fat. Hahaha.

Gingko Rice Fusion Restaurant Insadong Seoul
The menu mentions that this bulgogi is for two persons serving. This is BIG. The dad-mom-with-two-kids seated at next table ordered the same thing. This makes us wonder if this is a serving for 4 people. 

Bulgogi Hot Pot Fusion Restaurant Insadong Seoul
Few minutes after we taste the bulgogi, we did not mind the big portion at all because this dish is very delicious. Especially when eaten together with the gingko rice. Heaven!

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