Saturday, May 2, 2015

Singapore Cafe: The Assembly Ground, The Cathay

"Let's meet for coffee and go on lots of adventures together afterwards."

The Assembly Ground Cafe Table Singapore
I will say yes to whatever chilaxing activity offers thrown at me. On the adventures side..uhm..does that involve rigorous activities? Are you asking me to go cycling?  O_O!

The Assembly Ground Cafe Decoration Singapore
Thanks goodness the bike is for decoration only. Hahaha. The Assembly Ground is a cafe/boutique which is located at the ground level of the Cathay (It occupies the unit which was previously occupied by Gramophone). The cafe serves food, cakes and drinks. 

The Assembly Ground Cafe Menu The Cathay
S loves truffle fries up to the point that it is a must to order truffle fries (if the cafe/ restaurant sells it, of course) whenever we have meal together. The Assembly's truffle fries is not bad.

The Assembly Ground Truffle Fries Singapore
I tried the Assembly Ground's bolognaise pasta. It's quite meaty and as a nearly-extinct-herbivore, I love it! =)

Bolognaise Pasta The Assembly Ground The Cathay Singapore
My friend being omega-3-conscious-gym-junky opted for the "healthier" option consist of omelette, smoked salmon, greens and wheat bread. Now that I think of it, it has been 5 days since the last day I hit the gym. #fail

Omega 3 Omelette The Assembly Ground Cafe Singapore
If you want to have dessert, you can go over their counter to see which cakes are available. We have not really tried their cakes before though.

Cakes Counter at the Assembly Ground the Cathay Singapore

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