Saturday, May 9, 2015

Taipei Eats: Small Sausage Hugged in Big Sausage, Shilin Night Market

Yes, the name of the food is really a mouthful (and weird) to pronounce in English. But it is literally the direct translation of the food's real name in Mandarin, 大腸包小腸 (Dàcháng bāo xiǎocháng). Basically you order a big sausage which will hug the small sausage. You got what I mean? Hahaha. I suppose at this time, a picture serves a thousand words. LOL.

大腸包小腸 Shilin Night Market Taipei
Oh I know, it looks like a hotdog but you replace the outer bun with a bigger sausage. Oh my gawd, I am a genius. #selfdeclare

You can choose a lot of different taste for the sausage e.g. original or black pepper.

Small Sausage Wrapped in Big Sausage Shilin Night Market Taipei
The sausage stall is located anywhere in the night market all across Taipei but the one I went to is located at the basement level of Shilin Night Market. 

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