Thursday, May 21, 2015

Taiwan Travel: Changing Guard Ceremony at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, Taipei

One fine day in summer, I brought my friend who visited me in Taipei to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall. It seems that I have brought everybody here at least once during their visit to Taipei.

But, oh boy, looks at our timing. We happened to come near the changing guard ceremony timing. Apparently the replacement guards have already walked in formation from the ground floor on the way to the level 4, where the ceremony takes place.

Guards walking in Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall Taipei
The guards walk in formation and steady pace, so we were in time to reach the 4th floor to watch the whole thing. 

Changing Guard Ceremony in Taipei
Level 4 is the floor where the statue of Chiang Kai Sek is kept, the changing guard ceremony is held in front of the statue. 

Changing Guards Ceremony at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall Taipei
The whole ceremony takes around 10 minutes plus. 

Changing Guards Ceremony at CKS Memorial Hall Taipei
Closer looks at the guards. I always admire them especially when they have to stand stiff for few hours under hot weather. Taiwan's summer can be so cruel even though the area is equipped with air-conditioner. 

Close up look at changing guards ceremony at CKS Memorial Hall Taipei
The changing guard ceremony happens every hour. So if you are interested to catch the ceremony, do make your way up to level 4 when the time is up. For information on how to go to Chiang Kai Sek Memorial Hall, you can read my other post here.

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