Sunday, May 17, 2015

Taiwan Travel: Shifen Coal Mine Museum, Shifen

During our last trip to Shifen (see post), we noted that there are actually so many things that you can do in Shifen. For instance, the directory kinda lays down the choices for you.

Shifen Tourist Attractions Directory Taiwan
We wanted to walk to the waterfall, but along the way, we spotted a kinda run-down building. Curiously, we wandered around for a while.

Taiwan Abandoned Coal Mine Museum Shifen
Turns out there is a small museum nearby. It is called the Coal Mine Museum. If you are wondering if it's worth your time to visit this somewhat dubious museum....

Taiwan Shifen Coal Mine Museum
The next signboard that we saw mentioned that Super Junior visited this museum in 2011 to film some TV show. Oh my gawd, this is so random. Hahaha.

Super Junior Visited Taiwan Shifen Coal Mine Museum
At the end, I just popped by for a while inside the building while cooled myself down (the weather is burning hot). What's inside the museum? Not much but you can ride the train like what Suju did for a fee of NTD200 to visit the coal mine. 

The museum is closed on Mondays and last admission is at 16:00. 

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