Saturday, May 2, 2015

Taiwan Travel: Tamkang Senior High School, Tamsui

"你說把愛漸漸 放下會走更遠"
"You told me that by gradually letting go I’d be able to go further."

Tamkang High School Movie Secret Taiwan
One summer day two years ago, I had the opportunity to time travel to Tamkang Senior High School in Tamsui to reliving the movie "Secret" (details here). For details on how to go, please read my last post here).

Tamkang High School Tamsui School Bell
And this is the school where the movie's main actor, Jay Chou, really studied in the past. Wikipedia explained that 2007 (the release date of the movie) marks the 10th year Jay Chou left school. 

Tamkang High School Tamsui Palm Garden Taiwan
I wonder if the school stays the same like the one during his studying days. 

Tamkang High School Tamsui Tower Taiwan
One thing for sure, Tamkang Senior High School is famous amongst both local and overseas tourists now. I suppose it will be a local prestige to study here thanks to Jay Chou. Hahaha.

Bu Neng Shuo Mi Mi Movie Tamkang High School Tamsui
"最美的不是下雨天, 是曾與你躲過雨的屋簷."
"That rainy day was not the most beautiful. It is the shelter that I once shared with you in the rain."

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