Thursday, May 7, 2015

Turkey Travel: Hot Air Balloon at Cappadocia

After 50 minutes of waiting (see post), we finally boarded the hot air balloon and ready to fly up. I was so excited and feel that I'm reenacting scene from UP. Although there's no flying house among us here.

Boarding Hot Air Balloon at Cappadocia Turkey
The sun just rose and that made the color of the sky, the ground, and the balloons look beautiful. <3

A parade of hot air balloons at Cappadocia Turkey

When we got higher, the balloon kinda dispersed based on the wind direction. The landmark of Cappadocia is very beautiful from above. Combination of rocks and green and a few colorful balloons. 

Cappadocia Nature Landscape from Hot Air Balloon Turkey
After 30 minutes or so we started to feel the sun burning. When you feel that, you know that the time to land is coming soon. 

Morning ride on a hot air balloon at Cappadocia Turkey
The captain (i.e. balloon operator) will open a bottle of mock champagne (i.e. sparkling) to celebrate your inaugural hot air balloon flight. And other than that, each of the participant will receive a certificate. A proof of your flight. LOL.

Cappadocia Hot Air Balloon Certificate
Heard about a sad story about balloon accident few years back (or last year?), I hope the balloon operator do maintain and exert extra caution when flying the balloons. =(

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