Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bali Eats: Bebek Bengil, Ubud

Whenever you visit Ubud area in Bali, you should give Bebek Bengil a visit for a food affair.  

Bebek Bengil Ubud Bali

The diner is set around the rice field, which happened to be harvested the day before. And hence, the muddy view.

Bebek Bengil Dirty Duck Diner Bali Ubud

Behold the famous crispy duck. The duck is kinda small I admit but it taste very crispy and yummy especially when eaten together with the chili sauce. 

Dirty Duck Bebek Bengil at Ubud Bali

Don't miss out the trademark dessert from Bebek Bengil, the Black Russian Pie. The pie is mixed with vodka, kahlua and topped with chocolate. Ultimate yum!  

Black Russian Pie at Bebek Bengil Ubud Bali

Do take a walk behind the restaurant to enjoy a nice view of the rice paddy field.

Rice paddy field at Bebek Bengil Ubud Bali

Blue sky, white clouds, and full tummy. I am a happy girl indeed. 

Blue sky white cloud at Bebek Bengil Ubud Bali

You can also try the other famous duck restaurant, Duck Fest at Bebek Tepi Sawah, Ubud.

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