Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Turkey Travel: The Beautiful Inside of Hagia Sophia Museum, Istanbul

Hagia Sophia was used as a church for 916 years before it was converted into the mosque following the conquest of Istanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmed. Then on, it was used as a mosque for 482 years. Hagia Sophia was then converted into a museum in 1935.

Inside Hagia Sophia Museum Istanbul Turkey
As the building was used as both a church and a mosque, you can see the religious symbol from both Christianity and Islam in the building. For instance, the wall inscription of Islam calligraphy and the wall paint of cherubim. 

Islam and Christianity influence on Hagia Sophia Museum Turkey
The upper portion of the museum, on which there are two cherubs painted on the wall. 

The upper portion of Hagia Sophia Museum Turkey Istanbul
The dome of Hagia Sophia is guarded by 4 cherubs on each corner. There are small windows alongside the dome for lights and air to come in the museum. 

The dome of Hagia Sophia Museum Istanbul Turkey
On a closer look, there is a painting of Mother Mary and Baby Jesus on the wall next to the Islam calligraphy. 

A painting of Mother Mary and Jesus at Hagia Sophia Museum Turkey
If you would like to buy souvenir from Hagia Sophia (e.g. keychains or postcards), you can visit the official souvenir store just opposite the exit of Hagia Sophia Museum. 

Hagia Museum opens for visit everyday from 9.00 to 17.00 on winter days and 9.00 to 19.00 on summer days (final entry on 18.00). To see the outsides of Hagia Sophia Museum, please read my other post here.

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