Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Turkey Travel: Entering Hagia Sophia Museum, Istanbul

Hagia Sophia Museum is one of most beautiful museum in the world. And since there is no way to capture its beauty with only my camera, so I have to borrow this picture from Google image.

Hagia Sophia Museum at Istanbul Turkey

The entrance to the museum is located on the left side of the building. 

Entrance to Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul Turkey
The ticket to Hagia Sophia costs 30TL. 

Hagia Sophia Museum Entry Ticket Istanbul Turkey
The left side was undergoing a bit of a renovation back then. I suppose a lot of maintenance work is required to ensure that the museum is well kept. 

The left side of Hagia Sophia Museum at Istanbul Turkey
There is a small yard near the entrance. 

The yard of Hagia Sophia Museum Istanbul Turkey
For the insides of Hagia Sophia Museum, please see my other post here.

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