Friday, June 5, 2015

Bali Eats: Night Time at Aston Tanjong Benoa

If you have too much fun playing at Tanjong Benoa Beach,  by the time you realised that it's time for dinner, your surrounding has changed to night mode. And uh oh, you do not have any food with you and you are to tired to go out again to look for one. 

Aston Tanjong Benoa Kuta Bali Hotel

In times like this, thanks goodness for room service. My family decided that times like this calls for a room service. We ordered three dishes to share amongst us. The first one is the gorgonzola pizza. The pizza's appearance kinda made me ponder if a mountain of cheese has just erupted on top of it. But it was good nonetheless, if you like cheese.

Gorgonzola Pizza Aston Tanjong Benoa Room Service

Another dish that we ordered is a Club Sandwich. A classic room service menu. 

Club Sandwich Aston Tanjong Benoa Room Service Bali

For the third dish, it is actually fried rice. It's just that since the picture is taken from above, the fried rice is totally hidden under the fried egg. The fried rice tastes so so. 

Fried Rice Aston Tanjong Benoa Room Service Bali

If you are, like me, too tired to go out from your hotel but have not had your dinner yet, you may consider ordering room service as the food served by hotel in Bali may be quite good. However, if you still have the energy to go out and wanna have some fun, you can make your way to Seminyak and try fine dining at KuDeTa or have some yummy pork ribs in Kuta at Naughty Nuri's

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