Saturday, June 6, 2015

Taiwan Travel: How to go to Sun Moon Lake by Cable Car?

If you want to go to Sun Moon Lake from the Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village, you do not have to take the bus again. You can reach Sun Moon Lake by taking a cable car called Sun Moon Lake Ropeway. Our village ticket is inclusive of the cable car fee so we were riding it even though my friend is...scared of heights. LOL.

The cable car is decorated with One Piece sticker.

One Piece Cable Car to Sun Moon Lake

Well the cable car ride is pretty high, so my friend was already scared shitless even when the lake is nowhere in sight yet.

Sun Moon Lake Cable Car Ride Taiwan

After saw enough green trees, we finally caught a glimpse of Sun Moon Lake from above. So beautiful! 

How to go to Sun Moon Lake by cable car

My friend shouted in joy when she saw the cable car station in a distance. I suppose this view gave her a comfort of reaching the ground soon. XD

Sun Moon Lake Cable Car Station Taiwan

Sun Moon Lake is a big lake so there is no way you can view the lake by walking around it. But, you can catch the Round-the-Lake bus to visit tourist spots around Sun Moon Lake. The bus stop is located in quite a distance from the cable car station. You have to walk around the car park to reach the entry gate for these cars and you will spot the bus sign across the street.

Sun Moon Lake Bus Sign in Nantou

The cable car ride can only be taken from Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village , which is also known as One Piece Theme Park

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