How much calories does a bowl of the Daily Cut have? - part 2

How much calories does a bowl of the Daily Cut have?
Last Wednesday, my friend told me that’s she was the second from last person who managed to order from the Daily Cut at 8.20PM. She told me that the queue for the Daily Cut at the basement level of One Raffles Place was so long even after 8PM. So when I saw a moderate level of queue at 8.10PM the next day, I quickly joined the queue. Oh gosh, I think I’m being peer-pressured somehow but then again, the bowl from the Daily Cut taste really better than other joints that I have tried. 

This time around, I decided to choose different base since I have chosen sweet potato before. I was kinda hungry after gym (which kinda beat the purpose of exercise since I just eat back what I shed, but whatever), so I wanted to eat my favourite staple, rice. The Daily Cut gives healthier version of rice though, Brown Rice. 

My order that night is: A petite bowl of brown rice + broccoli + oyster mushroom + teriyaki chicken thigh + crushed tortilla chips + chimicurri sauce. I wanted to try Japanese curry sauce but they ran out already. Oh well. I should just be grateful I still managed to get a bowl. Hahaha. 

With the help of my Daiso kitchen scale + myfitnesspal app, here goes the calorie:

60 grams of teriyaki chicken thigh: 78 cal
181 grams of broccoli: 51 cal
70 grams of mushroom: 20 cal
120 grams of brown rice: 156 cal

Total calorie for the above order is: 305 cal (hmm, this is probably because the staff did not give me a lot of chicken because they are running out of stock). 

I wonder what will the last person who made order got in their bowl. Maybe more base and lesser protein hahaha. Morale of the story is, let’s just order from the Daily Cut when the sun is still out there. But on a positive note, this will be a great food intake when you are limiting your calorie intake.  

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