Taiwan Instagrammable Food: Cheevit Cheeva Taipei

Taiwan Instagrammable Food: Cheevit Cheeva, Taipei

Cheevit Cheeva address in Taipei Taiwan

Blueberry thai milk tea snow bingsu from Cheevit Cheeva

Pearls cream snow bingsu from Cheevit Cheeva Taipei

Shibuya toast from Cheevit Cheeva Taipei

Almond blueberry snow bingsu and fruit drink from Cheevit Cheeva

Green tea milk drink from Cheesie Cheeva
I’m gonna start today’s post randomly. I mistook someone in the pantry for my own colleague. In my defense, there are a lot of baldy slim Asian guy out there and all of them seem to be in dire need of caffeine. But it’s probably time for me to buy myself a good pair of glasses. Hmm, but if I do that, I have to live frugally in terms of food expense. Aw, shucks!

Anyway, since reality is kinda brutal, let’s check out another instagrammable café in Taiwan, Cheevit Cheeva. I found out online that this café is actually originated from Thailand. The original café is located on the banks of Kok river in Chiang Rai, northern Thailand. Chiang Rai, hmm, that sounds like Chiang Mai and Chiang Mai kinda annoyed me although it’s actually not the area’s fault. My ex-crush used to flirt with me and then decided to get hitched together with a Chiang Mai girl who happened to be his Airbnb’s host. What the heck is this sorcery. Oh well, it’s probably love. Or black magic. I don’t wanna know.

Hmm, it seems today I easily digress from one topic to another. Oh well, since Chiang Mai is definitely off my bucket list, it’s a great news that there is Cheevit Cheeva café located in Taipei. The café focuses on beautiful snow ice flake (or also known as bingsut in Korea), cakes and many pretty drinks. It seems that it’s very well known for its Blueberry thai milk tea bingsut as there are many Insta user posting the dessert. Cheevit Cheeva also seems to offer a variety of unordinary bingsut. For instance, there is one which seem to be served with a huge amount of whipped cream on top plus pretty pearls which I often see used for boba. Online users in Tripadvisor raved about Cheevit Cheeva’s snow ice flake which they claim to be incredibly soft and melt in their mouth perfectly. It does not seem to be as sweet as it looks which is a good thing. Oh gosh, now I feel like popping ice flake into my mouth but the only thing I have in the fridge right now is ice cubes. Oh wait, I don’t think office fridge have ice cubes in the first place. Sadz.

If you prefer to have a drink instead, Cheevit Cheeva have a variety of fruit soda and also yoghurt based drink. @hisonja2578 uploaded a picture of shibuya toast completed with a scoop of ice cream on top so I figure that Cheevit Cheeva has shibuya toast as well. Online review mentions that the toast is very soft and have croissant-like texture. That must go so well with the ice cream. Yumz.

Cheevit Cheeva café is located within walking distance from Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall MRT station so do give them a visit if you are nearby. The café looks so pretty and cozy and it definitely makes the list to one of Taiwan instagrammable food. It opens daily from 10AM to 11PM. Alternatively, other than Taipei, you will only be able to visit the café in Bangkok and oh well, Chiang Rai.

Credits: @imprincemickey, @purasara, @hisonja2578, @fishcan_another, @taipeifatty, @1njoyourlife, @cala216______

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