Where to buy cheap branded bags in Vienna?
Whenever my friends and colleagues know that someone goes to Europe, the next question which usually follow is...are you going to buy branded bags? OR can you help me buy branded bags? But the thing that they seldom ask is "where to buy the so-called-cheaper branded bags?".
Even though generally the price of branded bags like LV, Prada, Chanel, etc tend to be cheaper in the high-end-boutique stores at European main street. It's still not considered very cheap, right? (to me, it still creates a HOLE in my bank account). XD
So as what's usually included in tour group itinerary, we visited a big factory outlet located a bit outside of Vienna called Vienna Designer Outlet Pandorf.
The factory outlet is big. And it has a lot of stores although it does not have all the big brand names. Some of the big brands that they have here are Burberry, Prada and Gucci.
They have Michael Kors too and the collection they sell here is pretty extensive. I bought one here for 197EUR. <3
If you want to find your sport attires/ shoes, there are Adidas and Nike outlets here. The cutting for the clothes does not suit me though. The S one seems to be still pretty big for me. Nike Air Max's price is still too high for me to bear. U_U.
If you are hungry, they sell some food too inside. For instance, big pretzels. The chocolate one taste good. The plain ones taste..well...plain. =(
Otherwise, they have fancy restaurant and fast food too. We settle for Burger King because it's nearer to our meeting point after we are done with some shopping.
What we bought most on that day is...chocolate. Hahaha. But Lindt's price at designer outlet in Berlin is so much cheaper than here. It's probably because of the festive season sale timing.
If you are interested to go here by yourself (not with tour bus), you can check the direction at their website here. I saw a lot of people queueing for shuttle bus too. So I suppose there must be a shuttle bus from city centre to the designer outlet.
Happy Shopping!
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