Useful website to check on typhoon in Taiwan

Six months in Taipei, experienced two earthquakes and two typhoons. Whew. Thanks God it was not that bad.

Actually, typhoon Trami has just passed Taiwan not long time ago when I was typing this. And oh boy, it was raining all days (especially yesterday). I don't know where else to check on the typhoon condition apart from the news on TV. Taiwan's TV station broadcast news in the morning (around 8-9ish), noon, and evening (7-ish).

But...what if you have a TV but don't understand a single thing they say on TV? (chances this will happen to you if you don't subscribe to a cable TV, like me!).

Well, no worries! After scrambling through google websites, I've found a bit of information which may be useful in the typhoon days (hopefully you still have internet connection, even though you don't have cable TV. =P)

1. Where to check the location of the typhoon?

Most countries in the world including Taiwan has its own weather bureau. And the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) website has its English version. Phew. -

The website will show you the satellite view of the typhoon. Like this one below. Yes, when I captured this picture, typhoon Trami is still hovering over Taiwan. U_U.

Taiwan Typhoon Satellite View
You can click the "Typhoon Warning" icon on the right top of the website to get more information on the typhoon.

For example, you can check the forecasted path of the typhoon under "Path" or "Potential Track Area", which usually ends in China. 

Taiwan Typhoon Path Forecast
The tab beside "Potential Track Area" tab which is called "Work and Class Status During Natural Disasters" will lead you to the no. 2 useful website in the typhoon days.

2. Do we have work or class on typhoon day?

If you are working in Taiwan, most likely you are expecting the Government to declare "停辦停課"/ "Tíngbàn tíngkè" day, which literally means no work and no class day. The 停辦停課 day is not declared on national basis. Instead, it is based on the township. Town A may not have to go to work tomorrow while town B still have to go to work. 

For complete list of the "停辦停課" status for each city, you can go to this website: 

The website will list down all county and cities in Taiwan and the work and class status during natural disasters. 

Taiwan Work and Class Status during Natural Disaster
That's the two websites that I've found useful during my stay in Taiwan especially on typhoon days. Do make sure to stock up food (at least for one day) and try to avoid going out especially when there's strong wind blowing outside your house. (My classmate's roof got blown by the wind so yeah it can be pretty scary sometimes.)

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