Hong Kong Travel: It's a Small World After All at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

I don't know if I'm weird but my favorite ride at Hong Kong Disneyland is the doll-watching ride called It's A Small World. And the thing is, all Disneyland around the world has this ride. So there must be a reason for this ride, right? 

Hong Kong Travel: It's a Small World After All at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

It is basically an indoor boat cruise attraction. So all you need to do is sit on the boat and enjoy the view and the song as your boat is carried on a journey around the world. 

It's A Small World After All HK Disneyland

Walt Disney himself named this ride "the happiest cruise that ever sailed". I kinda got the feeling too when I rode this attraction. 

It's a Small World After All Fantasyland Ride

During the ride, you can see children doll (not in a horror way I'm grateful for it) moving and dancing to the background songs, depend on which country they are from. This is really clever concept as whoever ride this attraction, no matter where they come from, will feel so welcomed here. 

The main OST called "It's A Small World" is the only song which never copyrighted by Disney. So that the world can just use the song anywhere. This request has been personally made by UNICEF. 

If there's a Disneyland in Singapore, I suppose I will just go there whenever I feel sad. After all, it is the happiest cruise that ever sailed around the world. =)

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