10D9N Spring Japan Trip: Sesame Street 4D, Universal Studios Japan

As far as I could remember, Sesame Street has been around for a long time (probably decades?). I remembered I watched them on telly before when I was done with my school. Although, to be honest, Sesame Street is not really my cup of tea. But kids are really amazing, they can remember all the details (like the main characters' names and unique traits) even though they may not really care about the story. Well as a result, I still remembered Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Elmo and the Big Bird. If you happen to be a fan of Sesame Street, you can watch the 4D show of Sesame Street at Universal Studios Japan. 

10D9N Spring Japan Trip: Sesame Street 4D, Universal Studios Japan

This is one of those attractions where you don't really need to queue for a long time. We only queued for slightly longer than 30 minutes if I am not wrong. And you can just sit through the whole show. Oh yeah.

Sesame Street Attraction at Universal Studios Japan Osaka

Some characters' introduction, which only has the Japanese words. Oh right, did I tell you that the whole shows in Universal Studios Japan are spoken in Japanese? But don't worry, since it's a kid show, you can roughly guess what they are talking about. And the good thing about Sesame Street 4D show, there is a lot of singing involved. 

Cookie Monster in Japan

Once you have finished watching the show, as usual, you will be directed to the souvenir store. You can find the Nano Block (nano size of Lego which caters more to adult) of Sesame Street's characters like Elmo, Cookie Monster, Bert, Ernie and the Big Bird, which happened to be the only characters which I remembered from the show. Wait, I do remember the muppet who lives inside the trash can, but I forget his name though.

Sesame Street Nano Blocks at USJ

The souvenir store also has the Nano Block of Universal Globe. Looks pretty interesting but I don't really have the patience to deal with nano-sized items. LOL.

Universal Globe Nano Block at USJ

Plush toys seem to be a must-have in Japan. Well, I can't blame them because the plush toys sold in Japan are super cute. And they often sells those collaboration toys. Like a teddy bear in Cookie Monster attire. 

Souvenirs at Sesame Street USJ Osaka Japan

I prefer the original Cookie Monster though. Can I bite your cookie? Hehe.

Cookie Monster Plush Toy at Universal Studios Japan Osaka

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