10D9N Spring Japan Trip: Ninja Training in Kyoto

If you ask me what kind of superpower that I'd like to have, I would probably say none because superheroes went through certain accidental exposure to radioactive material (except Batman, because he's so damn rich) before they turned into superheroes. On the other hand, I would gladly go for a training to acquire one of those silently-moving-in-the-dark skill which is owned by the ninjas. Imagine being able to leave unnoticed in the middle of office function or leaving office on the dot without being busted by your fellow colleagues or worse, boss? Awesome, right?

Where is the best to place to learn these skills? None other than the Ninjatown (which is officially known as Toei Kyoto Studio Park but it sounds less cool, so I'll stick to Ninjatown). Hmm, Ninjatown looks pretty much peaceful when I just made my entrance. It seems that we are starting at the business district of the town where there are a lot of stores at the side of the road. 
10D9N Spring Japan Trip: Ninja Training in Kyoto

Since I have not started my ninja class, maybe this is the right time to enjoy a bit of sake or ocha at this road-side stall. 

Sake stall at Toei Kyoto Studio Park

Konnichiwa fellow apprentice! Oh am I supposed to get that uniform too? Not that I mind since it looks pretty much cute. <3 (There are uniforms available for boys too and they are in blue).

Ninja Girl Costume at Toei Kyoto Studio Park

Alas, I have found the Ninja Training Dojo to become ninja but but...oh no, the line to the entrance to the training hall is so long. Is this some kind of test whereby our patience and perseverance are being put toward challenge?

Ninja Training Dojo at Toei Kyoto Studio Park

The ninja standing guard insisted that I have to go for the line if I want to master the true art of ninja.  Oh man. But anyway, if you are more interested in ninja stuff (rather than the art itself), you can buy t-shirt and ninja-related materials (like shuriken), you can immediately go to the store behind the guarding ninja.

Ninja Statue at Toei Kyoto Studio Park

 Right, back to the training dojo Toward the front of the queue, there is an illustration where you can see what kind of trap that the training dojo has. All of these are necessary for you to train to become a real ninja (although traps are by right, supposedly hidden?). XD

Ninja Training Dojo Traps at Toei Kyoto Studio Park

The biggest challenge toward my journey to master the true art of ninja are after all...1,600 Japanese Yen. The entrance fee which I paid earlier (6,000 JPY) does not cover this training dojo. Yikes. 

Ninja Training Dojo Entrance Fee Toei Kyoto Studio Park

Is this the end of my training journey to become ninja? 

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