10D9N Spring Japan Trip: Sizuya Bakery, Kyoto Station

There are so many nice bakeries in Kyoto but during my three days two nights stay in Kyoto, Sizuya is the best bakery for me. Sizuya is located pretty convenient for tourists to buy with one bakery at Kyoto Station and another one at Gion. 

10D9N Spring Japan Trip: Sizuya Bakery, Kyoto Station

As Sizuya opens until 10PM everyday, we often bought breads from Sizuya for our breakfast the next day. All breads in Sizuya look good to me, really. 

Sizuya Bakery at Kyoto Station Japan

Croissant? Brown sugar bread?

Brown Sugar Bread and Croissant at Sizuya Bakery Kyoto Japan

Other than bread and croissant, Sizuya also has danishes. Oh my gawd, this makes decision-making pretty difficult to finish. Hahaha.

My travelling buddy loves everything with cream, so she went with the 216 Japanese Yen creamy looking croissant. It kinda looks like a cronut too. 

Sizuya Cronuts Kyoto Japan

While, I, on the other hand, have not decided on any bread yet because I was too confused.

Sizuya Bakery Display in Kyoto Station

And that's when I saw my favourite bread from Japan ever on display, Melon Pan. I may not be a flame haze named Shana (from Shakugan no Shana) but we share the same love for Melon Pan. Hehehe.

Sizuya Kyoto Melon Pan

When you are in Japan, eat as many Melon Pan as possible. #travellinggoal

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