Takeaway Review: Onigiri and Potato Salad from Don Don Donki

Takeaway Review: Onigiri and Potato Salad, Don Don Donki
Don Don Donki at 100AM Tanjong Pagar
Onigiri from Don Don Donki at 100AM
Takomeshi onigiri from Don Don Donki
Potato salad from Don Don Donki
Takomeshi and potato salad from Don Don Donki
 Aigoo we are back to the dreadful Monday but I suppose today is not so bad. It’s just world cup has just ended the night before and it is kinda empty not to have a football match to watch after work. But human must be adaptable to life and when one entertainment is gone, one must find another source of entertainment. Since I had nothing else planned tonight, I went to Don Don Donki at 100AM after work to check what kind of food I could buy for takeaway. 
I was only looking at the small food items because my calorie counter app seemed to suggest that I only have 200 kcal left for today. Oh my gawd, what am I supposed to eat? Air? But anyway, I have a lot of determination to lose weight so I’m just gonna stick with onigiri. To my amazement, Don Don Donki have a quite interesting selection of onigiri and the price tag for these onigiris are somewhat friendly. Mostly are below 3SGD (which is the normal price for onigiri sold at Samurice). 
I have never seen takomeshi onigiri before so I quickly got my hand on one of this octopus rice ball. I suppose it will be something like the filling of takoyaki but it’s inside rice ball? Well, basically that’s how it looks like although interestingly the rice used for takomeshi is brown, not the usual white rice. I wonder how did they season the rice. Maybe with tea? Hahaha. Anyway, it tastes pretty good and I could find few bits of octopus meat inside the rice ball. 
Being easily lured by fried stuff, I nearly bought fried chicken to be honest with you. But I put myself under restraining order and opted for potato salad instead. The portion of the potato salad is not big but it costs SGD 1.90 so I guess I could not really complain. Obviously while my ideal plan of dinner consists of these two items only, I ended up entering starvation mode and devoured some guavas, grapes and nearly a bag of potato chips. What? Please don’t tell me they are not real potatoes. Lalala~

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