13D12N Australia Trip: Watching sunset at Darling Harbour, Sydney

Time passes very fast and before we knew it, we were already on the way to our second airbnb accommodation in Kirribilli. My kind cousin willingly drove us to reach our Kirribilli which I was very grateful for him because taxi fare is quite expensive in Sydney. 

On the way to Kirribilli Sydney Australia

Passing by the freeway connecting the south Sydney CBD to Kirribilli, one of the oldest suburb in Sydney. 

Driving on a freeway to Kirribilli Sydney Australia

The structure of the freeway is rather amazing. We did not have enough time today to explore our surroundings in Kirribilli because I have to make a mad rush to the CBD again to meet up with an old friend. 

Freeway to Kirribilli from Sydney CBD Australia

Staying in Kirribilli is pretty convenient because there is a railway station there, Milsons Point. You can take the train to the city of Sydney from here. In fact, it is only two stops away from Town Hall Station, where Queen Victoria's Building (QVB) is located. 

QVB in Town Hall Sydney

The Town Hall area is pretty happening on a Saturday evening with a lot of people going out for dinner, movie, or drinks. It can get pretty rowdy too though. There was a man pronouncing about the end of the world and he suddenly picked a fight with a passerby. We quickly steered our way clear from the scene. Safety is a priority when travelling. 

Town Hall in Sydney Australia

When I have met my friend, he brought us around to see the twilight sky of Darling Harbour (okay, actually he focused more on the Hurricane's but the sky happens to be very beautiful). On Saturday evening, there are love boats for rent. So loverbirds can make their way here to enjoy their Saturday evening together in a romantic way. 

13D12N Australia Trip: Watching sunset at Darling Harbour, Sydney

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